A world
- free of suffering due to leprosy and the disabilities and social exclusion that it causes
- in which the health systems in every endemic country are able to diagnose and treat leprosy early and effectively
- in which all people who are restricted due to disability or stigma will participate in society as fully and as independently as possible.
We aim at:
- Societies in which leprosy will be under control. In these societies health services at all levels ensure that every patient will be diagnosed and treated early so the disease will no longer be a major risk for disabilities and social exclusion.
- Societies in which governments, private companies , NGOs and DPOs join hands to ensure that people with disabilities are:
- enabled to participate as fully and independently as possible, and
- enabled to use their rights to develop their abilities and rightfully get equal opportunities for their personal development in the context of their families and society at large
- treated with dignity.
We therefore make efforts to assist, advise and coach leprosy control and rehabilitation programmes and all partners involved, to ensure:
- that every new patient will be diagnosed and treated as early as possible, before disabilities occur
- that people affected by leprosy are trained and supported in preventing disabilities
- that people with disabilities due to leprosy have access to mainstream and disability-specific services and can participate in Disabled People Organisations and in the wider community and society
- that people with disabilities, irrespective of the nature or cause of their disabilities, and their organisations, are empowered to advocate their rightful access to all mainstream and disability-specific services and to equal opportunities for development and participation in society
- that scientific research contributes to the effectiveness of leprosy control, prevention of disabilities, rehabilitation and inclusion of people affected.