Recently, The REDAID Nigeria, Enugu partnered with LTR Nigeria to implement the Hackathon Audiopedia Project. The project will focus on 10 NTDs endemic States for which LTR is championing the implementation of the project in Plateau and Bauchi States. In each of the two LTR States (Plateau & Bauchi), the project will be implemented in 12 LGAs making a total of 24 LGAs.
The project aims to have 12 Primary Ambassadors per state representing the 12 LGAs in the state (s) who will be attached with 20 Secondary ambassadors each; making a total of 240 Secondary Ambassadors per state.
Mainstreaming Audiopedia as a tool to improve knowledge and access to health and development information in Nigeria
- The project aims at bridging the health and development information gap among illiterate women and girls including other members of the community in Nigeria through the use of various audio enabling devices to access audio messages.
- The project will focus on 10 NTDs endemic States in Nigeria.
- Selected health facilities and radio stations will be engaged for the dissemination of these audio messages.
- Expand advocacy to the Federal and State Ministries of Health
- Identification and selection of 10 NTDs endemic States and training of LGA ambassadors Translation and voicing of NTDs messages into Local Languages (Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba and Pidgin)
- Translate existing Audiopedia messages to other Nigerian languages (Hausa, Yoruba, Pidgin etc.)
- Scale-up linguistic student contribution to the translatathon production
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