Ready4PEP Nigeria Project

Leprosy continues to be a devastating disease if not detected and treated in time.

In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed the implementation of SDR-PEP as one of the strategies towards zero leprosy.

The Ready4PEP Nigeria project is an initiative between the NLR international and LTR Nigeria. It is a multi-stakeholder (NLR, NTBLCP, ILEPS, STBLCP, IDEA and others) project that aims at implementing active case finding, contact screening, administration of SDR-PEP and disability prevention in Nigeria. These strategies are in line with general objectives of the National TB and Leprosy Control Programme and WHO triple zero global leprosy strategy.

The training of the MDT officers is organized by LTR in collaboration with Bauchi State TBLCP & Jigawa State TBLCP which are among the six States where the READY4PEP Project Nigeria is being implemented. The main objective of the training is to build the capacity of health care professionals at intervention States’ levels and provide them with necessary knowledge and skills on leprosy including SDR-PEP and POD using combined self-care group (CSCG).

Training of Community Leprosy Workers (CLWs) in Bauchi and Jigawa States



Training of MDT Officers in Bauchi and Jigawa States